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Agricultural property valuers

Rode’s Property Valuations


The market value of agricultural property is determined by many factors, including agricultural management practices, the intensity of soil utilisation, the irrigation systems used, the demand for and nature of cultivars and varieties, the exchange rate and the location of the property. As a result, the valuation of agricultural property has become a specialist area.

Rode & Associates’ agricultural valuation department draws on the expertise of the Rode team as well as a full-time valuer specialising in the valuation of farms and smallholdings to offer clients:

  • A professional and objective valuation of agricultural property
  • In-depth knowledge of the rural environment, soil character, climate and availability of water for irrigation
  • A good understanding of market trends in the agricultural sector which may influence profitability
  • Knowledge of cultivars, varieties and agricultural practices
  • The ability to determine the contributing value of wine cellars, packing sheds, cold storage, and dairies
  • The ability to determine the long-term potential of the property.