Blog categorized as News
Smaller cities join shopping spree frenzy
23.04.20 03:30 AM - Comment(s)
Developers clearly expect South Africans to continue shopping like crazy if the 637.294m² in retail floor space to be completed during 2007 — which is some 20% up on 2006 — is anything to go by.
Industrial property still steaming ahead
23.04.20 03:26 AM - Comment(s)
Strong economic growth and rising building costs and low vacancy rates ensured that the industrial property market kept up its grand performance during the last quarter of 2006.
Decline in office vacancies signals rise in rentals
23.04.20 03:22 AM - Comment(s)
The vacancy rate of prime-quality decentralised office space was down to 3,7% in the last quarter of 2006, from its high of 12% in 2003.
High property prices equate to sky-high taxes - or maybe not?
23.04.20 03:15 AM - Comment(s)
With property prices having soared over the last few years, it is understandable that home-owners are concerned that municipal property taxes will skyrocket with the next municipal valuation of their home.
Did Absa price the Diagonal Street Diamond right?
23.04.20 03:11 AM - Comment(s)
In a landmark transaction, Absa bank recently bought 11 Diagonal Street in the run-down Johannesburg CBD for R104 million. It paid a further R20 million for the nearby West Street parkade.
Canadian residential real estate (performance) mirrors SA
23.04.20 03:07 AM - Comment(s)
If you invested in a rental unit in Toronto, Canada, you can expect an income return of about 4% in the first year, assuming the investment is not financed.
Lower-priced houses still offer best yields.
23.04.20 03:02 AM - Comment(s)
The growing wealth in South Africa’s leafy suburbs is now definitely trickling down to lower-priced neighbourhoods, including townships.
Shopping centre cap rates converge
23.04.20 02:56 AM - Comment(s)
A comparison between the capitalization (cap) rates of regional, community, neighbourhood and convenience shopping centres in 1989 and 2006, indicates a decline in the margin between these cap rates.
Investors now looking differently at long-lease buildings
23.04.20 02:52 AM - Comment(s)
The spread between leaseback and non-leaseback capitalization rates has narrowed noticeably in recent years, according to data surveyed by Rode & Associates’ team of property economists and valuers.
Impact of rising interest rates on cap rates
23.04.20 02:46 AM - Comment(s)
Contrary to popular opinion, interest rates are only one of various factors that play a role in determining capitalization rates.
V&A Waterfront: Why were foreigners the highest bidders?
23.04.20 02:40 AM - Comment(s)
So, if the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront is such a valuable asset, why weren’t local companies outbidding their foreign counterparts to keep it in local ownership?
Economic trickle-down reaches lower-priced homes
23.04.20 02:37 AM - Comment(s)
While house-price growth in general continued to decline during the second quarter of 2006, the lower-priced section of the residential market grew at a faster rate than the middle and upper-priced sectors.
The source of development booms
23.04.20 01:36 AM - Comment(s)
Shopping centres still seem to be shooting up all over the place with seemingly no end in sight
Residential boom peaking, but office boom just starting
23.04.20 01:32 AM - Comment(s)
The housing boom may have peaked, but the good news on the property front is that office rentals are likely to double over the next few years, Erwin Rode, CEO of Rode & Associates said in his prognosis on the property market at the recent Rode Conferences.
Don’t write off listed property yet
23.04.20 01:29 AM - Comment(s)
Listed-property investors should not be too perturbed about the recent correction in share prices, as strong income-stream growth is likely to compensate them during the next few years as the upswing phase of the non–residential property cycle progresses.
Prospects for house-price growth in next 12 months
23.04.20 01:24 AM - Comment(s)
Whereas most property commentators are predicting average house-price growth in excess of 12% over the next 12-month period, CEO of Rode & Associates Erwin Rode envisages single-digit growth in the region of 7–9%.
How to calculate a hurdle rate (or how not to)
23.04.20 01:18 AM - Comment(s)
In contrast to what business schools have been teaching for decades, the hurdle rate is seldom used as an investment criterion when doing viability studies.
When looking at the history of industrial and office rentals in Port Elizabeth (PE) compared to the major cities in South Africa, it is evident that rental levels are far lower − so much so that they are below the levels that would make new developments viable.
Don’t confuse net income yield with a capitalization rate
23.04.20 01:06 AM - Comment(s)
The terms “capitalization rate” (or cap rate) and “initial yield” are frequently used interchangeably in the South African property investment environment. However, these terms are not synonymous.
More double-digit building-cost inflation on the horizon
23.04.20 01:02 AM - Comment(s)
In spite of sharply decelerating house-price growth, building-cost inflation is likely to continue to show robust double-digit growth during 2006.