
Blog by Rode

Beware of calculating investment returns on historic costs

23.04.20 12:51 AM By Rode - Comment(s)
One is increasingly seeing property investments being advertised as delivering ever-improving income returns as time goes by.

Rising rentals, declining cap rates fuel notion of imminent non-residential boom

23.04.20 12:43 AM By Rode - Comment(s)
Double-digit rental growth in the non-residential market over the next few years, is one of the predictions made in the latest Rode’s Report, which contains surveys and an analysis of property-market data from the fourth quarter of 2005.

High office rentals could halt Cape CBD conversions

23.04.20 12:36 AM By Rode - Comment(s)
A few years ago, the prognosis for office buildings in the CBD of Cape Town was so poor that many a converter developer could buy derelict office space for next to nothing.

Lack of parking space boost for close-to-work living space

23.04.20 12:29 AM By Rode - Comment(s)
There are early signs that residential properties close to upmarket work opportunities are deemed more desirable than those further away.

Are residential values in CBDs set to outperform the suburbs?

23.04.20 12:23 AM By Rode - Comment(s)
With peak-hour traffic jams in metropolitan areas becoming worse by the day, it would seem reasonable to expect that the demand for residential units closer to work opportunities would be on the increase.

No need to get your pulse rate up yet over municipal valuations!

23.04.20 12:18 AM By Rode - Comment(s)
With municipal officials doing the rounds in some municipalities knocking on doors to collect data for new municipal valuations, many are concerned that rates will soon be skyrocketing.

Bright prospects for listed funds

23.04.20 12:14 AM By Rode - Comment(s)
Solid income-stream growth and marginally declining income yields are sending listed-property prices soaring, according to the latest Rode’s Report.

Do land values lead house prices?

23.04.20 12:09 AM By Rode - Comment(s)
Common sense suggests that a sustained upswing, or downswing, in house prices should be followed by a synchronous movement in land prices. But how fast do land prices react to house price movements, and to what extent?

Will golf estates in the winelands become white elephants?

23.04.20 12:03 AM By Rode - Comment(s)
With house price growth cooling down fast and given the plethora of golf-and-lifestyle estates in the Western Cape, developers of such recent estates could be wondering if they might find themselves stuck with white elephants.

Is restitution driving farm prices to untenable levels?

22.04.20 11:59 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
There is considerable anecdotal evidence that farm prices have risen faster in areas where restitution demand has been the highest.

Misconceptions about escalation rates

22.04.20 11:54 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
There is a misconception in the marketplace that escalation rates are intended to compensate landlords for consumer inflation, and many tenants, when negotiating rentals, make the mistake of using consumer inflation as their yardstick.

Double market trend boosts sectional title developments

22.04.20 11:51 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
The valuation fraternity has long observed the fact that owner-occupiers are generally prepared to pay more for properties than professional investors.

The impact of an interest rate hike on non-residential property

22.04.20 11:49 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
To determine the impact of the pending rise in interest rates on capitalization rates, one needs to distinguish between two types of movement: structural and cyclical, says property economist Erwin Rode of Rode & Associates.

Building costs drive office-building values and rentals

22.04.20 11:45 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
Every now and again one hears of how cheap South African properties are relative to those of other countries. This “discount” is then used to motivate an imminent rise in South African prices or rentals.

Market and fundamental valuations often confused

22.04.20 11:41 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
It is not uncommon for property market commentators to confuse market valuations with, what Rode terms, fundamental or speculative valuations.

Robust industrial rental growth, but prime office rentals disappoint

22.04.20 11:38 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
Industrial rentals continued to grow at double-digit rates in most of the major industrial conurbations during the second quarter of 2005.

Is it rational for listed property yields to be lower than bond yields?

22.04.20 11:34 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
Since 1998, listed property yields have closely tracked those of long bonds, implying that investors view these assets in a similar light. More recently, however, listed yields have dropped below those of bonds.

More clues as to the future path of office rentals

22.04.20 11:27 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
The Rode team recently did some calculations to establish what rentals investors would expect from new office developments in popular office nodes such as Bryanston in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg, and Tyger Valley, in the eastern suburbs of Cape Town, to make them viable.

House prices exceed replacement costs

22.04.20 11:24 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
Interesting implications can be derived from the fact that, according to Absa’s latest house-price indices, old house prices are currently only 5% cheaper than the prices of new houses.

Short-term view can distort residential cycle forecasts

22.04.20 11:19 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
Property economist Erwin Rode says that his light-hearted remark that from a purely financial point of view it would be smart to sell his home right now, rent for 5 to 10 years, and then buy another home, was premised on the lengthy period of the residential property cycle.