
Blog by Rode

State of the property market in quarter 1 of 2007

25.04.20 11:02 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
The following are significant findings or conclusions made in this issue of Rode’s Report: Cap rates on an even keel. Double-digit income-stream growth for listed funds. Cape Town and Pretoria office markets battle to turn the corner. Industrial rentals still steaming ahead...

State of the property market in quarter 4 of 2006

25.04.20 06:57 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
The following are significant findings or conclusions made in this issue of Rode’s Report: Cap rates take a breather. Listed property’s comeback. Office market accelerates but Cape Town still in doldrums. Industrial boom still on...

State of the property market in quarter 3 of 2006

25.04.20 06:52 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
The following are significant findings or conclusions made in this issue of Rode’s Report: Cap rates putting on the brakes. Investors in listed funds wake up to fundamentals. Office rentals still haven’t taken off convincingly. Industrial boom far from over...

State of the property market in quarter 2 of 2006

25.04.20 06:49 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
The following are significant findings or conclusions made in this issue of Rode’s Report: Cap rates resist threat of interest-rate hikes. Listed property’s recent blow. Office market’s vigour starts to show...

State of the property market in quarter 1 of 2006

25.04.20 06:44 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
The following are significant findings or conclusions made in this issue of Rode’s Report: Capitalization rates and hurdle rates still falling. Listed property’s income yields surprise again. Real office rentals still battling to turn the corner...

State of the property market in quarter 4 of 2005

25.04.20 06:34 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
The following are significant findings or conclusions made in this issue of Rode’s Report: Capitalization rates continued their decline. Leaseback escalation rates seem fair. Income-stream growth of listed funds holds key to future returns. Real decentralized office rentals continued to decline...

State of the property market in quarter 3 of 2005

25.04.20 06:33 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
The following are significant findings or conclusions made in this issue of Rode’s Report: Shopping-centre capitalization rates take a breather. Income-stream growth drives listed funds’ prices. Nominal rental growth shows promise, but is still not close to beating building-cost inflation...

State of the property market in quarter 2 of 2005

25.04.20 06:29 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
The following are significant findings or conclusions made in this issue of Rode’s Report: Capitalization rates for all property types are still declining, although office and industrial rates probably still have the most to shed...

State of the property market in quarter 1 of 2005

25.04.20 06:26 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
Demand for industrial and office space continued to strengthen during the first quarter of 2005. However, the office market is still lagging the industrial market on some fronts. Even though house-price growth decelerated during the reporting quarter, it is still growing at an awesome rate.

State of the property market in quarter 4 of 2004

25.04.20 06:23 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
On the non-residential front, the office market is still battling in places, but solace is to be found in the industrial property market, which is still in fifth gear. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the residential property market was still growing at a firm pace in the first two months of 2005...

State of the property market in quarter 3 of 2004

25.04.20 06:21 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
All indications are that the focus will shift from residential to non-residential property over the next few years. Notwithstanding this, the residential property market is expected to lose steam only slowly. Hence, next year will probably be a good year for property all round.

State of the property market in quarter 2 of 2004

25.04.20 06:19 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
Non-residential property’s market values increased further in the second quarter of 2004, driven mainly by the continued rerating of property by investors.

State of the property market in quarter 1 of 2004

25.04.20 06:16 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
Conditions in the non-residential property market improved further in the first quarter of 2004, with the majority of property indicators showing that an upswing in real rentals must be close.

State of the property market in quarter 4 of 2003

25.04.20 06:12 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
On the whole, conditions in the non-residential property market seem to be improving. Evidence of this can be found in the continued decline of standard capitalization rates as well the healthy office take-up recorded in especially the decentralized office nodes...

State of the property market in quarter 3 of 2003

25.04.20 06:09 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
Finally! Non-residential property appears to be over the worst. The best evidence of this can be found in the decline of standard capitalization rates in quarter 2003:3, which was noticed for all non-residential property types, except industrials.

State of the property market in quarter 2 of 2003

25.04.20 06:07 PM By Rode - Comment(s)
On average, the majority of our non-residential property indicators for quarter 2003:2 still pointed to a market under siege. As for residential property, house prices were still firmly nestled in their upswing, whilst real flat rentals were consolidating.

City of Cape Town Spatial Development Frameworks, 2012 and 2018: Evaluating the approach to spatial planning

25.04.20 12:38 AM By Rode - Comment(s)
Worldwide, the tertiary or services sector of the economy — manned to a large extent by knowledge workers — is growing much faster than the manufacturing of goods (secondary sector) and the production of raw materials in the primary sector (agriculture and mining).

Why do you need an engineer

25.04.20 12:38 AM By Rode - Comment(s)
Worldwide, the tertiary or services sector of the economy — manned to a large extent by knowledge workers — is growing much faster than the manufacturing of goods (secondary sector) and the production of raw materials in the primary sector (agriculture and mining).

Office buildings: Some thoughts on the decentralization trend in SA

25.04.20 12:38 AM By Rode - Comment(s)
Worldwide, the tertiary or services sector of the economy — manned to a large extent by knowledge workers — is growing much faster than the manufacturing of goods (secondary sector) and the production of raw materials in the primary sector (agriculture and mining).

The financial case for ‘green’ affordable housing

25.04.20 12:26 AM By Rode - Comment(s)
The swelling momentum in the affordable housing market in South Africa is evidence of robust growth in an otherwise largely flat residential sector.