Rode’s South African Property Trends
Rode’s South African Property Trends
What is Trends and how can you benefit from it?
‘Trends’ is aimed at general management — where strategic decisions are taken — and property investment analysts who are involved in asset allocation and viability studies. Valuers who use forecasting in their valuation method would also find it indispensable. It is a unique, statistically-based analysis and contains a forecast of all key indicators affecting the property market and property investment – over the next 5 years. The forecasts are updated every six months using an econometric model and covers the major metropolitan areas of South Africa, thus giving you a complete framework for property investment planning. The forecasts in Trends include those for standard capitalization rates, prime industrial and office rentals for major cities, office take-up for grades A and B combined for major cities, office vacancies for major cities, building costs, the property cycle, expected total returns on a notional office-building portfolio, etc.
Invest in Trends before you invest in property
To run a computerized and national market research operation yourself, would cost you about R700.000 a year or more – if you could find a property economist with expertise and the necessary database. Trends will bring the cost down to less than one quarter the salary of a secretary.
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Price: R23 000 + VAT per year for two digital issues per annum.
The December 2017 edition of Rode’s Property Trends has been made available as a demo.
Click on the link below to view it: